Friday, May 25, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Well, I haven't been updating for a few days. Sorry. This is because there has been nothing new to tell. I haven't worked out since my back injury saturday. I have been to the chiropractor twice and had an mri last night. I suppose I will see the results of the mri tomorrow. My back feels much better. Despite what some people believe the chiropractor is the only thing that has provided me any relief for my back pain since I originally injured it 3 years ago. I have also been using a TENS unit at home and will have an inversion table arriving within the week. However, the shooting pain that my back injury is causing down the hamstring in my left leg is almost unbearable. It is not too painful when I'm standing or lying down. However, when seated, and the pain is impossible to ignore. This makes driving a vehicle for any distance an exercise in agony. For this reason I took a few days off work, as riding around in a patrol vehicle has been completely out of the question. I'm going to try to go back to work Thursday with the aid of some OTC anti-inflammatories. If you are following the blog, by all means keep up with your workouts and let me know how you are doing. Thursday is our normal rest day, so I'm going to try to ease back into the gym Friday. I will let everyone know how the mri and Friday works out.
Monday, May 21, 2012
- Take 12 minutes to establish your 1RM Snatch
1a) 4x3 behind the neck Snatch grip Push Press @ heaviest possible, rest 60 secs
2a) 4x3 Snatch Pulls @ heaviest possible, rest 60 secs
- For time:
Run 800 meters
9 Back Squats @275/185# (women)
18 Dumbbell Push Jerk @60/40#
Run 800 meters
7 Back Squat @275/185
14 DB Push Jerk @60/40
Run 800 meters
5 Back Squat @275/185
10 DB Push Jerk @60/40
*****MY RESULTS*****
- The day started off well with me hitting a 10# Personal Record (PR) on Snatch. I pulled 145# and stuck it on my second attempt! I was super pumped. Only 19 days ago my I struggled to Snatch 135# and got it on my 6th attempt. This is a testament that my programming is working. I can actually feel myself getting stronger. It was an awesome feeling. One that I want to replicate over and over.
1a &1b- This is where my day went downhill. I did the first set of the Snatch grip Push Press and the Snatch Pulls with no problem. However, when I started my second set of Push Press (@140#) I threw my back out. I had just dipped to perform the first press of the set when I actually felt one of my bad discs in my lower back slip. It was excruciating. I ditched the bar and immediately sat down. I was obviously done for the day. I can't tell whether the disc slipped further out, back in, or if just compressed somewhat. I stopped my workouts for the day right there. Sarabeth finished them as I watched jealously. I'm heading to the chiropractor Monday morning to see what he says. I have also gotten in touch with the folks at the Spine Care Center here in Tuscaloosa to make an appointment with them. This has promoted me to explore options about my bad back. I am so incredibly frustrated that the will to get in shape is in me, but my lower lumbar is holding me back. I'm too young go suffer constantly from this problem. I will update with my back situation as things advance.
Friday, May 18, 2012
I felt strong today. Although I didn't rest all that much on my rest day (I worked a 12-hour shift, then slept for about 6 hours) the absence of lifting weights makes me feel great the next day. In any case, here was the workout.
- Take 10 minutes to establish a heavy power Clean and Jerk.
Notes: This should be a true power clean and push Jerk. No split is allowed. No squat clean is allowed. It should end up being as heavy as possible while still remaining under control with good technique.
-7 minutes of 3 Power Clean and Jerk every minute on the minute @ 85% of the above weight
1A) 4x5 1& 1/4 Front Squats @ heavier than last werk
2A) 4x8,6,4,2 strict Handstand Pushups + Max Effort kipping Handstand Pushups
-10 minutes AMRAP of:
100' overhead kettle bell carry @ 70#/53#
5 Muscle Ups
25 Verticle Kettle Bell Swings
*****MY RESULTS*****
-I found my controlled max on the Power Cleans and Push Jerk to be 185#. I was excited about this because my previous Clean and Jerk max was 185#. If I can now Power that weight I bet I can break 200# with my C&J.
-I did the 7 minute EMOM with 160#. This was a little more than 85% of 185#. I completed the workout, but it was pretty tough. I never missed any pulls during the workout. I enjoyed that.
-I started the Front Squats with 155#. Each set I went up 5#, from 155 to 160 to 165 to 170. 170# was tough. I really had to get psyched for the last couple reps at that weight. I handled the strict HSPU without much trouble. However, I just don't get the body movement for tge kipping HSPU I didn't do many of those, just a couple each round. My wife, on the other hand, did 120 of them, total. Here is a picture of her "resting" between massive sets of HSPU.
-I used 53# Kettle Bells for the overhead carry. I did this because I didn't want a torn rotator cuff. I used a 70# for the swings. Also, I can't do Muscle Ups yet, so I did a chest to bar pull up, then a ring dip for each rep. I completed 2 full rounds of the workout and was worn out afterwards.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
I have a new appreciation for Thursday and Sunday. Not that they weren't already fine examples of days of the week. Thursday has always been one of my favorites. This probably originated my freshman year of college when we had mixers at my fraternity house on Thursday nights in the fall. Any time a bunch of sorority girls come to your house to party is a good night. Later Thursday became the home of thirsty Thursdays at the Birmingham Barons games. Cheap wings and beer are good things. Sunday is, in the Christian faith, the Lord's day. A day to go to church, eat well, and lay around the house with your family. Sundays are so lazy. It is also a good thing.
Fast forward to May of 2012. Thursdays and Sundays are now rest days on our Outlaw programming. I need these days. By the time they come around my body is so beat that I can't hardly function. After today's workouts I need my rest day even more than usual.
-7x1 3 Count Snatch.
Notes: This is designed to work on your form. It should not be heavy unless your snatch form is perfect. Mine isn't. I doubt yours is either. Start light and work your way up. See for a video on how to complete these. Its basically a full snatch from the ground, then a full snatch from below your knees, then a hang snatch from your thighs. All this without dropping the bar. This counts as one rep.
1a) 3 x Max Effort Bench Press @ 95%
2a) 3 x 8 Good Mornings @ heavy
- 4 rounds for time of:
30 Front Squat @ 115#/95#
15 Toes to Bar
15 Lateral Box Jumps
Notes: Front squats come off the floor, not a rack. Lateral Box Jumps are simply sideways box jumps, onto the top of the box. Full extension at the top and off the other side.
***** MY RESULTS *****
- This was the first time I had done these 3 position snatches. I went light as I am still working on my snatch form. I used the following weights: 65, 85, 95, 105, 105, 105, 105
1a) I used 185# on the bench. Did sets of 3, 2, and 4. Each of these were to failure.
2a) I used 135# for the Good Mornings. These are meant to simulate and strengthen deadlifts. I was afraid to go heavier with my bad back. These were sufficiently stressing. Ill probably go a little heavier next time.
- Yikes. This workout was horrible. Front squats are one of my worst movements. Its just so hard to breathe during them. I started the workout at the prescribed weight, but dropped to 95# after the first round. This was tough enough. It took me 30:32 to complete this workout. My first goal was to keep it under 40 minutes. Once I got moving I felt like 8 minutes a round was more than sufficient, so I tried to finish in under 32 mins. I accomplished this goal. Sarabeth did the same weight as me (95#) and finished in less than 15 minutes. She is ridiculous. I'm average. See you Friday!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
I read an article once by Dave Barry called "Dave Barry's 16 Things". Apparently it was a list of the some of the most important things he had learned in 50+ years of life. Among these lessons were the following: Never lick a steak knife; Never, under any circumstances take a sleeping pill and a laxative in the same night; and You will never find anyone who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time. Dave had a pretty good list. He had some hard-learned lessons in his list.
The reason I brought this up is because I learned a hard lesson last night that would certainly make my list of 16 things. Never apply Rock Sauce to one of your hamstrings without first putting on underwear. Not familiar with Rock Sauce? Let me give you a little history lesson in modern day liniments.
Liniments, also known as balms, have been around for ages. They are medicated topical ointments or creams that are applied to the skin in order to sooth minor aches and pains. They are used for minor sports injuries, arthritis, overtrained muscles, etc. Your father or grandfather probably used Bengay in his time. It was the first of it's kind as a modern liniment containing menthol and methyl salicylate. These are the ingredients that produced that cooling sensation that Bengay was famous for.
Because Bengay wasn't strong enough for some people along came Icy Hot. It had basically the same stuff in it that Bengay had. Just more of it. Shaq now sells Icy Hot, apparently.
Well, once again, a few years passed and Icy Hot just wasn't icy or hot enough for some people. Enter a product called Biofreeze. Biofreeze was suped up Icy Hot. You still see it quite a bit in doctors offices and chiropractic clinics. It can be difficult to come by without a doctors order. That's how serious Biofreeze is. You can't just waltz down to your local CVS and pick it up. Use it more than a few times a day in one spot and you can develop a chemical burn.
Was I just talking about how serious Biofreeze is? Ok. So some lunatic decided Biofreeze was for sissies. This lunatic created a product called Rock Sauce. Rock Sauce contains more menthol and methyl salicylate than any of the previously mentioned products. "So, what?" you may be asking. So, it also contains capsicum. Capsicum is a fancy word for chili pepper extract. You know the O C Spray that police carry? That "C" stands for capsicum. It's hot. Really hot. The Rock Sauce bottle has a skull on the front of it. That means death.
So, I said all that to say this- my left hamstring was really sore last night. Sarabeth won a bottle of Rock Sauce at a Crossfit competition in Nashville a few months ago. We hadn't tried the Rock Sauce yet. There sat the bottle, the skull on the front staring me down. I was about to enter the shower, and was dressed (or undressed) to do so. I rubbed Rock Sauce all over my left hamstring. As soon as I did this I stood up. A very sensitive organ of mine (I belong to the protruding organ gender) made contact with my Rock Sauce- covered hamstring. Oh my gosh. I thought my area was going to melt. It was like being pepper-sprayed in the groin. Actually, that's exactly what it was. I ran downstairs seeking help from Sarabeth. She laughed at my misfortune. I suffered through a shower and got in bed. The pain eventually subsided enough for me to fall asleep.
When I got out of the shower after working out today I decided to try the Rock Sauce on the same area again. I pit my underwear on as a protective shield first this time. Lesson learned.
-5x2 Clean and Jerk @ 80%, rest 60 to 80 secs
-Take 15 minutes to establish a 3 Rep Max Back Squat
Pull Ups
Notes: Tabatas are always 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds rest, alternating, until all 8 rounds are finished. This particular Tabata should alternate between strict and kipping pull ups, beginning with strict.
*Rest 5 Minutes*
-Then 3 rounds for total reps of:
90 secs Max Effort 15' rope climbs
90 secs rest
90 secs Max Effort Burpees
90 secs rest
*****MY RESULTS*****
- I used 140# for the Clean and Jerks, which was calculated from my 1RM of 185#. I didn't have much problem with these. I am still learning the movement and am getting better. I was excited that I hook gripped all of these pulls.
-I ended up doing 225# for the 3RM. This was pretty tough on the last rep.
-Tabatas are always tough. I can not do any strict pull ups. I have to give myself a very slight Kip to get moving. Hopefully I will get to where I can do them. I scored a 50 on this workout with the following sets of pull ups: 3,16,1,9,1,9,1,10
-I scored a 60 on the next workout with rope climbs of 3,3,2 and burpees of 16,16,19
Monday, May 14, 2012
- 5x2 Snatch @ 80%, rest 60 secs
2a) 3x3 Snatch Pulls@ Heavier than last week, rest 60 secs
2b) 3x3 Snatch Balance@ Heavier than last week, rest 60 secs
- For time:
Row 500 meters
100 Double Unders
200' Farmers Carry @ 100#/70#
20 One Handed Dumbbell Snatch (alternating) @ 100#/70#
100 Double Unders
Row 500 meters
1a) 8x3 Weighted GH Raise, rest 45 secs
2a) 8x3 Tempo GHD Situps (5 counts up, 5 counts down), rest 45 secs
*****MY RESULTS*****
-I used 110# for my sets of Snatches. This was calculated as approximately 80% of my 1RM of 135#. I am still getting used to this movement, so every day with it I get better. My pull is looking more violent and I feel like I could put up a higher max.
-I used 185# for my Snatch Pulls. This was probably sufficient as I am learning the Hook Grip and it is relatively painful right now.
- I used 140# for my Snatch Balance, which was 5# more than I used last week. I failed a couple of the reps and had to try them again. However, when I was putting them up I felt strong. It was manageable.
- Workout finished in 13:08
I used the 70# kettle bells for the Farmers Walk because we didn't have any 100# weights around. I used a 70# dumbbell for the one arm Snatches because I felt like 100# was a bit much for me. Although I used the women's weight I felt as though this workout was in my wheelhouse. The movements were ones that I do well, so I put up a decent time.
Oh my gosh. GH (Glute Ham) Raises are awful. This was the first time I did them. I can only describe the feeling as a cramp in your butt and hamstring all at once. Only, it's not cramping. You just have never really used these muscles before. I didn't even use weights. Just my bodyweight nearly killed me. Between these and the Tempo GHD Situps I was sweating like crazy. I think I screamed at one point. Get you some of these GH Raises. They will take you to a dark place. Glad they are over! See you tomorrow!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
What a weekend. It's Sunday. It's a rest day. I'm resting. Happy Mothers Day to all the moms that stop by my blog. Especially to my mother. I love you, you are awesome. I'm excited to see you soon. I'm lying on my newly constructed gigantic outdoor swing/bed as I type this. I'm drinking a cold Bud Light and fighting off an urge to go to sleep. Jealous? Heck, I'm even jealous of me. That is, if I wasn't me. But i am. Figure that one out. Sarabeth and I competed in the Pound 4 Pound event yesterday in Montgomery, AL. It was part of the Again Faster Garage Games series. These Garage Games events have a reputation for being poorly managed, for being overly expensive to compete in, and for giving out shabby excuses for prizes to the winners. In keeping with this rich heritage of mediocrity the Pound 4 Pound competition was a complete letdown. To be fair, not ever thing was bad. The venue itself was pretty cool. It was held at the Riverwalk in downtown Montgomery. I had never been down there, and it was a very nice area. The highlight of the venue, for me, was the fact that one of the events was held in front a quaint little outdoor bar at the Riverwalk called The Sand Bar. Being able to sit at the bar, order a drink, and watch that portion of the competition was neat. The volunteer judges, overall, did a good job. I didn't hear much complaining about the judging standards, which is rare for these types of regional events. The workouts themselves were a good mixture of movements that tested one's overall fitness, which is the whole point of Crossfit, so that was well done. However, unfortunately, the bad outweighed the good. The first problem was the weather. I know no one can do anything about whether or not it rains, but the event organizers should have planned for inclement weather. I am not a big fan of Crossfit events that take place entirely outdoors for this reason. Right beside the Riverwalk park is a venue known as The Train Station. It is basically a huge concrete area with a very high metal roof. It's easily the size of a football field. Apparently they had the competition there the previous year. They should have held it there again. I heard they tried to book it because of a previous engagement being held there, which ended up being a crappy concert with a cover band playing hip hop music. There might have been 50 people attending this concert. There were over 750 people at the Crossfit event. They should have reserved it sooner. However, the weather didn't ruin this event. A lack of organizational skills ruined the event. The first problem was the schedule. It was so tight that there was no way it was going to run on time. Even if the weather had been perfect, even if everyone was where they were supposed to be when they were supposed to be there, it simply would not have worked. By mid day the event was already 1.5 hours behind schedule. By the time they called it due to weather it was over 3 hours behind. They were 3 hours behind and they had even re-structured one of the events so they it only took half the time originally allotted for it. The next problem was a lack knowledge between the organizers and volunteers. No one really knew what was going on. No one could tell you what was going on. One minute one event was going to be in a certain place. The next minute all the equipment was being moved to another location, but no one knew why. Etc. Another problem was last minute changes to workouts. During the first men's advanced heat on a certain workout a couple of the guys made wrong turns during the run. So, the organizers completely re-routed the run. Fair? Maybe. I don't know. Efficient? Probably not. Another example of this was a workout that included. One of the reasons I decided to compete in this event was the fact that it included an intermediate division. I am just starting out and I have a bad back, so asking me to lift the same weight as the advanced men seems a little lofty. The deadlift weight for the intermediate men was supposed to be 1x your body weight. This means I would have had to lift 210 lbs. This is reasonable for me and the rest of the intermediate men. At the very last minute someone made the decision to bounce this up to 1.25x body weight. This was the same as the advanced. This put me lifting more than 250 lbs. That is a lot to ask from us, and it showed as most of the intermediate men struggled under the weight. They also used axel bars for the deadlift. I had never used them. If you aren't familiar with them they are lighter than traditional bars, but much bugger around. I can only fit my my hands around half the bar, if that tells you anything. I have no problem with the use of these bars under normal conditions, but it was raining. Axle bars are made of painted steel. With no knurling. And mine had 250#+ on it. It was wet. Try holding on to that. In any case, they cancelled the competition when it was just past halfway over. I got to complete all 4 of my workouts. Sarabeth only got to complete 3 of the 5 she was supposed to complete. When they cancelled it they just placed everyone where they were standing at the time. The problem with this was the following: they were going to take the top 12 men and the top 12 women and cut the rest of the field. Then, these top athletes were to run the last workout to determine the winner. Meaning after the first 4 workouts your placement up to that point was erased and only your standing on the final workout determined the winner. Since they were doing this all the top female athletes (and probably males too) were simply trying to stay in that top 12 and pace themselves for that final workout. Sarabeth, Leah Polaski, and Jordan Pepe, three of the top athletes in the southeast, were playing by this game plan. They were all in 5th through 10th place through the third workout, biding their time to go all out in the final workout. Then they simply called the event and awarded the top three places to the current top three female competitors. These were nobody girls that could not hold a candle to any of these three previously mentioned women in any competition. This was rather silly. But, whatever. I had fun seeing a lot of our Crossfit friends and spending the weekend with my wife. It was, after all, my first competition. These were the workouts:
EVENT 1- As many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes:
2 snatch attempts at any weight you wish
Row 150 meters
Notes: It was very important to make all the snatch attempts count as any missed rep still counted as an attempt. Your score was comprised of the total amount of weight you moved during the 8 minutes divided by your body weight. The row counted for nothing except that you had to complete it before moving on to the next 2 snatch attempts.
-15 minute clock starts at the horn. During this 15 minutes you have to run 1000 meters from the venue to the Crossfit Montgomery gym. Once there you had to complete as many rounds and reps as possible of the following: 5 pull ups
10 hand release push ups
15 air squats
-When the 15 minute clock was up you left the gym and ran 1000 meters back to the starting line. The scoring was 2 parts, one score for the number of reps you completed in the gym and another for the time it took to run from the gym back to the starting point. This was a pretty cool event.
-As many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes:
2 Clean and Jerk attempts at any weight you wish
6 over the bar burpees
Notes: This was a lot like the first event. Your score was simply the amount of total weight moved divided by your body weight. They cancelled this event just before I started it and changed it to simply as many reps as possible in 4 minutes of Clean and Jerk at any weight you wish. This was for total weight as well. It was much tougher.
-As many deadlift reps as possible in 12 minutes:
Run 160 meter downhill
8 handstands (both heels much touch the wall on each rep)
Run 80 meters up stairs
8 deadlifts at 1.25x body weight Notes: the scoring for this was simply the number of reps done of the deadlifts.
*****MY RESULTS*****
- I used 115# for all my Snatches in order to do them quickly and not fail any attempts. I completed 7 rounds for a total of 1610# lifted. This gave me a score of 7.67
-Once at the gym I think I completed a full 9 rounds, plus another 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, and around 10 air squats. I don't remember exactly, as it was not written down anywhere. I think completed the second kilometer run in 6:29 . I don't know what kind of score that gave me.
- I again chose to use 115 for the Clean and Jerks as I decided a high number of reps at a lower weight would be worth more points than a low number of reps at a higher weight. I completed 28 reps of Clean and Jerk in the allotted 4 minutes. The movement was broken into 2 parts, the clean and the jerk, so each counted as a separate lift, which gave me 56 reps at 115# for a total of 6440# lifted. Divided by my body weight this gave me a score of 30.67 for the event.
- I was very worried about my back during this event, so I really took my time. I would rather finish in a lower ranking and not have spinal surgery. I completed just over 2 rounds of the workout, for a total score of 20 dead lifts.
Remember, my entire goal was to not finish in last place? Lets see if i accomplished it. Where did I finish overall in the competition?......... I have no clue lol.This brings me to my final complaint about the event- the schedule and scoring were so complicated that they still haven't figured them out! The event ended almost 24 hours ago and the judges are still tallying the results! This is what happens when you try to reinvent the wheel. They tried to get fancy with the weight classes and scoring at this event and it bit them in the butt. There was no live scoring system, like at most events, so no one knew where they were in placing! Their most recent announcement states that they are still figuring the placements and that should should have them up shortly. This is what they have been saying since lunch yesterday! Amateur hour. Maybe it is because I lived a previous life playing professional paintball, attending huge events that encompassed thousands of individuals competing over several days. Those events were VERY well run and put this rinky dinky operation to shame. Hopefully I will be able to update you on my final placing later in the evening and we can either celebrate or cry together. Look for an update tonight. Back in the gym with a new workout posted tomorrow! Thanks for all your support this weekend!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Today's Workouts!
- 5x3 Clean & Jerk @ 75%, rest 60-80 secs between sets
Notes: These are not touch and go reps. Reset before each rep
- 1X20 Back Squat @ 50%
Notes: This should be a maximal UNBROKEN set. This will give us a benchmark of sorts to use for large number single sets of squats in the future. You will see this exercise fairly frequently.
1a) 4X3 Weighted Strict Pull Ups + Max Effort Kipping Pull Ups @ 20#/10# (women), rest 60 secs
Notes: This should be one unbroken set. Do the 3 strict pull ups, then, without dropping off the bar, complete as many reps of kipping pull ups as you can. This is pretty much only accomplished with a weight vest. Its hard to do with a weight belt.
1b) 4x400 meter Sprint, rest 60 secs
Notes: These should be ALL OUT efforts. Pacing is NOT acceptable. Degradation of pace is acceptable. These workout should be completed as follows: 1a, rest, 1b, rest, 2a...etc.
*****MY RESULTS*****
Barbell Gymnastic
-I did the clean and jerks at 135#. This was calculated based on what I believe my 1RM to be- 185#. It was fairly stressing. With so little rest between the sets breathing became difficult and I really had to focus on each rep. I felt good during the work. I had Sarabeth video a few of my reps. I really need to work on getting under the weight and getting a deeper split.
-I did not have any idea what weight to do the back squat at. So, I did it at 155#. I should have done at least 175, maybe 185#. Apparently this workout was supposed to be extremely difficult. At 155# it was mostly a breeze. Apparently this workout gets programmed quite a bit, so I will know next time.
- Oh, the conditioning workout. I actually thought I was going to die during this one. 400 meter sprints? Are you kidding me? I did not time my runs. My pull up reps were as follows: 17, 17, 20, 11. This was not including the initial 3 strict pull ups of each set. All of my runs were definitely under 2 minutes. The first was probably under 1:30. I would start hard on each, but after 150 meter or so I would fade quickly. I guess that's the point? I don't know, but it was bad. Glad its over with.
Monday, May 7, 2012
On to the workouts!
1) 5x3 Snatch @ 75%- Rest 60-80 seconds between
Notes: These are NOT touch and go. Rest after each rep.
2a) 3x3 Snatch Pulls@ Heaviest possible- Rest 60 secs between
2b) 3x3 Heaving Snatch Balance @ Heaviest possible- Rest 60 secs
Notes: These types of workouts should be completed together, alternating between the two. Example- A set of 2a, rest, a set of 2b, rest, repeat
- Every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 5 minutes:
12 (kipping) Hand Stand Push Ups
Notes: These can, like everything else, be scaled. If you are a beginner, just do push ups. If you are intermediate put your feet on an elevated surface and do push ups. As you progress begin stacking weights or pads underneath your head to make the distance you have to travel less. Eventually work your way up to doing them. They are not as hard as you might think. Spend all rest time holding (Farmer's Carry- style) 100#/70# (women) dumbbells. Make every effort to pick up the dumbbells right after your final HSPU rep.
*Rest 10 minutes, then*
-3 rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
20 Wall Ball @ 20#/14# (women)
20 Kettlebell Swings @ 24kg/16kg (women)- Make sure these go absolutely vertical!
1a) 2x15 Strict Toes to Bar- Rest 45 secs
1b) 2x10 Reverse Hypers @ Heavy Weight- Rest 45 secs
Notes: Again, these should be alternating sets
*****MY RESULTS*****
BB Gymnastics
-Put up 105# for the 75% Snatch. This was a full Snatch rather thn a Power Snatch
-Did 185,185,205 for the Snatch Pulls, and 115, 125, 135 for the Snatch Balance. I failed twice at 135 for the Snatch Balance. I put it back on the rack both times and was able to complete all 3 the third time I tried it. It was a matter of balance for me.
-I have always been able to do strict Hand Stand Push Ups. Kipping HSPU are new to me. As a matter of fact, today is the first time I have tried them. The motion is difficult. I tend to bounce myself off the wall. I'll get it down. I ended up doing 35 seconds of attempts, during which I usually got a couple kipping HSPU, then held 70# Kettlebells during the rest portion. We don't have any 100# dumbbells.
-The MetCon was not as bad as I was expecting. I finished it in 16:02. Of course, I say that, and you say, "Then why didn't you do it faster?" I went as fast as I could, but my rest periods have gotten less frequent and less lengthy already from this programming. Afterwards I was not as gassed as I thought I would be. I rested about 5 minutes prior to doing the Midline work.
-The Toes to Bar are getting easier for me. I couldn't do them at all a couple weeks ago. Now I'm doing them in sets of 5. Exciting stuff going on!
-This was the first time I have done the reverse hypers. We don't have a machine at the gym for them, so we have to make do with holding onto the GHD rack and using bands for the resistance. I didn't think they were too bad. Everyone else claimed the were excruciating. See you tomorrow.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012
*****MY RESULTS*****
- I pulled 110#, then 115#, then 125# on the snatch ladder. My current 1RM is 135#. The 125# felt fairly easy today, and I power snatched it. I feel like I could have set a new Personal Record (PR) if I had kept going up the ladder.
-The strength work nearly did me in. Those 1&1/4 front squats were awful. They took me to a very dark place in my mind lol. I left 125# on the bar for the whole front squat portion. Apparently I was supposed to add a little each time. I didn't know this. 125# was pretty rough, but I feel as though I could have gone up some. As an aside, my tiny little wife did this workout with me today. Her final set of front squats was at 175#...50# more than I did. That should prove to anyone that this stuff works, and works well!
-Gosh, the conditioning work was awful. I don't know what it was about that combination of exercises, but it flat wore me out. I did it at 125#. There was no way I was going to make it through at 155#. I made it through the first set unbroken. After that I had to break my hang squat cleans into sets of 5, then 4. I kept all my push jerks unbroken until the last set when I lost my grip on the bar. My final time on the conditioning portion was 18:02. This was, of course, with the 8 minutes of mandatory breaks removed. How did you do? Tomorrow's workout will be up...tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Speaking of food, I'm extremely hungry. Quick post before a snack. The training program I am following (and that hopefully you are following with me) has a 3 on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off type of training week. This means our rest days always fall on Thursdays and Sundays. This is how we will normally operate. However, since this is my first few days I am going to forgo the Thursday rest day and try to stick it out until Sunday. As such, tomorrow's WOD (workout of the day) will be a double of benchmarks that we still owe for my first week and a quick MetCon (metabolic conditioning) borrowed from my buddies at Crossfit Tuscaloosa. The workout is as follows:
-Establish 1 rep max of clean and jerk
-Establish mile run time
*Rest sufficiently, then*
-Complete as many rounds and reps as possible (AMRAP) in 15 minutes of the following:
15 burpees
150 meter run
15 front squats @95# / 65# for women
Let me leave you with this neat video featuring my wife, Sarabeth, and the other top 2 female competitors at the time from the Crossfit Southeast Regionals this past weekend in West Palm Beaxh, FL. This video was filmed by and placed on their main site as a demo for that days workout (the one you see them doing in the video). I thought it was pretty cool. It's still there in their site if you want to check it out under the workout from Saturday April 28. HERE YOU GO
*****My Results*****
- My single rep max clean and jerk ended up at 165#. I could have gone higher, but my left shoulder started hurting. I'm not trying to injure myself, so I stopped there. I believe I could have put up 175, maybe a little more.
- My mile run was actually not a mile. It was actually closer to 1600 meters. I did not have a track readily accessible, so I just kinda had to make do with what I knew was approximately 1600 meters. It was raining. I ended up with a time of 8:42. That is one of the slowest miles I have ever run. It was probably because, in the back of my mind, I knew I had a pretty rough workout coming afterwards. I wasn't really all that taxed after the run. I probably could have shaved a minute off the time.
-Oh, the MetCon. That was rough. There was nowhere to hide from it. Burpees are one of my worst workouts, as I am fairly tall, fairly heavy, and very out of shape. The front squats also present a specific problem. They bind your upper body and close your lungs off somewhat. It is very difficult to breath through them. I had to break them into sets of 5. I finished the workout by getting through 3 full rounds, then an additional 9 burpees. I had to lay down afterwards.
Good luck to anyone doing this wokout today! I'll write back later!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
As you can see in these mildly embarrassing photos I an starting to display that "30 year old guy with a desk job" midsection. You may be thinking at this point, "This guy isn't fat. He obviously has some sort of body-image problem." I would like to introduce a phrase into your vocabulary. "Skinny Fat". This is a term that was designed to answer questions about the female physique, however, it fits in this situation. Here is a link to a pretty good article about the concept Basically it is a concept that a human body can have a very high fat content over a relatively low muscle content resulting in a physique that does not look overly large (and thus "fat looking"). This results in the person being extremely "fat" although their appearance does not give this impression. Many of us fall into this category. I was unable to take my body fat percentage today (hopefully I will be able to do so very soon), but I assure you it would be exceptionally high. I was, however, able to generate some other numbers. I hereby submit my starting numbers, for your reading enjoyment:
Weight: 212.8 lbs
Waist: 38.5 "
Chest: 43"
Neck: 17.5"
Right Bicep: 16.5"
Body Mass Index: 28.9
Blood Pressure: 132/81
Resting Heart Rate: 59 beats per minute
Not altogether ugly numbers. However, lets take a closer look. I'm 6 feet tall. 212 lbs in certainly an unreasonable number. However, taken with my body fat percentage it becomes a whole other situation. My body mass index (BMI) is not all that important to me, simply because it is a number that includes a lot of variables. It should be noted, however, that the Department of Health and Human Services claims that a normal person should have a BMI of between 18.5 and 24.9. They go on to state that a BMI of 25 to 29.9 constitutes an individual who is "Overweight" and that anything over 30 is classified as "Obesity". I'm approaching that number. Much more disturbing is the fact that my blood pressure was measured as 132/81. This is classified as "Pre-hypertension" and is directly related to the development of high blood pressure, heart disease, and kidney failure. Again, I am 29 years old. My resting heart rate was actually fairly low, but it has always been low. This is probably a credit to my previous life as an athlete, but I have certainly not been helping the situation in recent years. On to my first day itself.
I began the day with a protein shake. I wanted eggs, but we had none. That will be fixed my this afternoon. I headed to the gym (Crossfit Tuscaloosa, inside the YMCA downtown) around 8:45. As this is my first week I started with a couple of Benchmark numbers. I will be doing these Benchmarks in with my other workouts every 60 days. They should take about a week to complete so that you get an accurate reading on the numbers. Each of them takes a good bit of energy out of you, so don't try to do them all in a day. Here is my schedule for the day-
-1 Rep Max Back Squat
Notes: This is THE benchmark workout for Crossfit athletes. The workout is as follows:
21 reps of thrusters @ 95 lbs (65 for women), 21 pullups
15 thrusters, 15 pullups,
9 thrusters, 9 pullups
This scheme is known as 21-15-9. There is no rest between any of it. This is done as quickly as
possible, with the goal being the fastest time. A thruster is simply a front squat, with an overhead press (Push Press) after it. The most elite Crossfit athletes finish this workout in sub- 2 minutes.
Rest at least an hour
-Barbell Gymnastics
1) 5x3 Clean and Jerk @ 70% max (rest 45 seconds between sets)
2) 4x3 Snatch Balance- NO Heaving (rest 60 seconds between sets)
1) 3x5 Tempo Deadlifts- Heavy (rest 60 seconds between sets)
Notes: Tempo should be 3 counts from floor to knees, then explode past knees and drive hips
to bar. 3 counts back to floor.
2.) 3x3 Strict Pullups + Max Effort Kipping Pullups (rest 60 seconds between sets)
Notes: This should be one unbroken set of strict pullups then, without dropping from the bar,
a max effort set of kipping pullups.
Rest several hours, probably until after work
4 rounds for total reps of:
2 minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of:
40 Overhead Squats (OHS) @ 65#
60 Doubleunders (simply jumping rope, where the rope passes under your feet twice each time)
Notes: Rest 2 minutes between each round
- I ended up putting up 255 lbs for my 1RM Back Squat. Not a terrible starting point.
-Fran time was 7:59. My wife does this workout (at the women's weight) in around 2:30. I'm looking forward to testing this one as I got through this. I think I will see a LOT of improvement.
-I ended up having to wait until after work to complete the barbell gymnastics and strength stuff. I did not know what my 1RM on clean and jerk was, so I just used 135 lbs. This was sufficiently stressing. I also just used 135 on the deadlifts for the strength portion. Part of this process is going to involve me rehabilitating my back, so I have to keep that in mind and not pull too much weight on my deads. The workout for 120502 will be up shortly.