Friday, May 18, 2012


I felt strong today. Although I didn't rest all that much on my rest day (I worked a 12-hour shift, then slept for about 6 hours) the absence of lifting weights makes me feel great the next day. In any case, here was the workout.

- Take 10 minutes to establish a heavy power Clean and Jerk.
Notes: This should be a true power clean and push Jerk. No split is allowed. No squat clean is allowed. It should end up being as heavy as possible while still remaining under control with good technique.

-7 minutes of 3 Power Clean and Jerk every minute on the minute @ 85% of the above weight

1A) 4x5 1& 1/4 Front Squats @ heavier than last werk
2A) 4x8,6,4,2 strict Handstand Pushups + Max Effort kipping Handstand Pushups

-10 minutes AMRAP of:
100' overhead kettle bell carry @ 70#/53#
5 Muscle Ups
25 Verticle Kettle Bell Swings

*****MY RESULTS*****

-I found my controlled max on the Power Cleans and Push Jerk to be 185#. I was excited about this because my previous Clean and Jerk max was 185#. If I can now Power that weight I bet I can break 200# with my C&J.
-I did the 7 minute EMOM with 160#. This was a little more than 85% of 185#. I completed the workout, but it was pretty tough. I never missed any pulls during the workout. I enjoyed that.

-I started the Front Squats with 155#. Each set I went up 5#, from 155 to 160 to 165 to 170. 170# was tough. I really had to get psyched for the last couple reps at that weight. I handled the strict HSPU without much trouble. However, I just don't get the body movement for tge kipping HSPU I didn't do many of those, just a couple each round. My wife, on the other hand, did 120 of them, total. Here is a picture of her "resting" between massive sets of HSPU.

-I used 53# Kettle Bells for the overhead carry. I did this because I didn't want a torn rotator cuff. I used a 70# for the swings. Also, I can't do Muscle Ups yet, so I did a chest to bar pull up, then a ring dip for each rep. I completed 2 full rounds of the workout and was worn out afterwards.


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