Monday, May 14, 2012


They finally released the results from the competition I attended this past weekend. I placed 30th out of 32 people, which accomplished my goal of not finishing last! Actually, if this were a regular competition, where they did not divide your weight lifted by your weight class I would have done much better. I probably would have finished in the top 15 or so. I'm pretty excited about my showing. Even though the competition was poorly run I will probably attend next year to see how much better I got. On to today's workout.

- 5x2 Snatch @ 80%, rest 60 secs
2a) 3x3 Snatch Pulls@ Heavier than last week, rest 60 secs
2b) 3x3 Snatch Balance@ Heavier than last week, rest 60 secs

- For time:
Row 500 meters
100 Double Unders
200' Farmers Carry @ 100#/70#
20 One Handed Dumbbell Snatch (alternating) @ 100#/70#
100 Double Unders
Row 500 meters

1a) 8x3 Weighted GH Raise, rest 45 secs
2a) 8x3 Tempo GHD Situps (5 counts up, 5 counts down), rest 45 secs

*****MY RESULTS*****

-I used 110# for my sets of Snatches. This was calculated as approximately 80% of my 1RM of 135#. I am still getting used to this movement, so every day with it I get better. My pull is looking more violent and I feel like I could put up a higher max.
-I used 185# for my Snatch Pulls. This was probably sufficient as I am learning the Hook Grip and it is relatively painful right now.
- I used 140# for my Snatch Balance, which was 5# more than I used last week. I failed a couple of the reps and had to try them again. However, when I was putting them up I felt strong. It was manageable.

- Workout finished in 13:08
I used the 70# kettle bells for the Farmers Walk because we didn't have any 100# weights around. I used a 70# dumbbell for the one arm Snatches because I felt like 100# was a bit much for me. Although I used the women's weight I felt as though this workout was in my wheelhouse. The movements were ones that I do well, so I put up a decent time.

Oh my gosh. GH (Glute Ham) Raises are awful. This was the first time I did them. I can only describe the feeling as a cramp in your butt and hamstring all at once. Only, it's not cramping. You just have never really used these muscles before. I didn't even use weights. Just my bodyweight nearly killed me. Between these and the Tempo GHD Situps I was sweating like crazy. I think I screamed at one point. Get you some of these GH Raises. They will take you to a dark place. Glad they are over! See you tomorrow!


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