Monday, May 21, 2012


Saturday was a frustrating day. Let me lay out the workouts, then I will explain.

- Take 12 minutes to establish your 1RM Snatch
1a) 4x3 behind the neck Snatch grip Push Press @ heaviest possible, rest 60 secs
2a) 4x3 Snatch Pulls @ heaviest possible, rest 60 secs

- For time:
Run 800 meters
9 Back Squats @275/185# (women)
18 Dumbbell Push Jerk @60/40#
Run 800 meters
7 Back Squat @275/185
14 DB Push Jerk @60/40
Run 800 meters
5 Back Squat @275/185
10 DB Push Jerk @60/40

*****MY RESULTS*****

- The day started off well with me hitting a 10# Personal Record (PR) on Snatch. I pulled 145# and stuck it on my second attempt! I was super pumped. Only 19 days ago my I struggled to Snatch 135# and got it on my 6th attempt. This is a testament that my programming is working. I can actually feel myself getting stronger. It was an awesome feeling. One that I want to replicate over and over.
1a &1b- This is where my day went downhill. I did the first set of the Snatch grip Push Press and the Snatch Pulls with no problem. However, when I started my second set of Push Press (@140#) I threw my back out. I had just dipped to perform the first press of the set when I actually felt one of my bad discs in my lower back slip. It was excruciating. I ditched the bar and immediately sat down. I was obviously done for the day. I can't tell whether the disc slipped further out, back in, or if just compressed somewhat. I stopped my workouts for the day right there. Sarabeth finished them as I watched jealously. I'm heading to the chiropractor Monday morning to see what he says. I have also gotten in touch with the folks at the Spine Care Center here in Tuscaloosa to make an appointment with them. This has promoted me to explore options about my bad back. I am so incredibly frustrated that the will to get in shape is in me, but my lower lumbar is holding me back. I'm too young go suffer constantly from this problem. I will update with my back situation as things advance.

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