I hope everyone following the program had a good rest day. I certainly was thankful for it. My energy was pretty well gone by Saturday and my lower back was good and tight. What did you do with you rest day? Post and let me know about it. I got a wild hair and, based on a photo I saw recently, I began a carpentry project. I enjoy doing a little carpentry when I get the chance. It's between hunting seasons, so any relaxing time is welcome. During hunting seasons being in the woods is usually my "me" time, when I get to re-focus. This time of year, between everything that spring and summer bring with them, I sometimes find it difficult to have time to myself. Carpentry has always been one of those hobbies I have that pops up every now and again, whenever I get inspired about a project. This time my inspiration came in the form of a giant front porch swing. It's giant because it is less a swing and more an outdoor bed. Like I said, I saw a picture of something similar recently and thought, "I can do that, but better." It doesn't so much swing as gently move with the breeze. It's big enough (3 feet by 7 feet) for my wife and I to both lay down on together. I plan on getting a futon mattress, or something similar to put on it when in use. I'm sure my wife will pick out some pillows for it. Pretty soon it will be my favorite spot to lay and read Clive Cussler books. I'm addicted to them. I think I'l pull down one of my porch lights (that hangs over the swing) and replace it with an outdoor fan since I believe this summer is going to be miserably hot. Did anyone else notice that spring was only like 48 hours long this year? In any case, here are some pictures of my outdoor bed. I got the thing built, sanded, and primed today. I also hung the attachment points from the ceiling of the porch. Have you ever tried to find ceiling studs under vinyl siding? That's a special kind of frustrating. I have to get the bed painted gloss white and suspended over the next couple days. I'll take more photos once it is up.
On to the workouts!
1) 5x3 Snatch @ 75%- Rest 60-80 seconds between
Notes: These are NOT touch and go. Rest after each rep.
2a) 3x3 Snatch Pulls@ Heaviest possible- Rest 60 secs between
2b) 3x3 Heaving Snatch Balance @ Heaviest possible- Rest 60 secs
Notes: These types of workouts should be completed together, alternating between the two. Example- A set of 2a, rest, a set of 2b, rest, repeat
- Every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 5 minutes:
12 (kipping) Hand Stand Push Ups
Notes: These can, like everything else, be scaled. If you are a beginner, just do push ups. If you are intermediate put your feet on an elevated surface and do push ups. As you progress begin stacking weights or pads underneath your head to make the distance you have to travel less. Eventually work your way up to doing them. They are not as hard as you might think. Spend all rest time holding (Farmer's Carry- style) 100#/70# (women) dumbbells. Make every effort to pick up the dumbbells right after your final HSPU rep.
*Rest 10 minutes, then*
-3 rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
20 Wall Ball @ 20#/14# (women)
20 Kettlebell Swings @ 24kg/16kg (women)- Make sure these go absolutely vertical!
1a) 2x15 Strict Toes to Bar- Rest 45 secs
1b) 2x10 Reverse Hypers @ Heavy Weight- Rest 45 secs
Notes: Again, these should be alternating sets
*****MY RESULTS*****
BB Gymnastics
-Put up 105# for the 75% Snatch. This was a full Snatch rather thn a Power Snatch
-Did 185,185,205 for the Snatch Pulls, and 115, 125, 135 for the Snatch Balance. I failed twice at 135 for the Snatch Balance. I put it back on the rack both times and was able to complete all 3 the third time I tried it. It was a matter of balance for me.
-I have always been able to do strict Hand Stand Push Ups. Kipping HSPU are new to me. As a matter of fact, today is the first time I have tried them. The motion is difficult. I tend to bounce myself off the wall. I'll get it down. I ended up doing 35 seconds of attempts, during which I usually got a couple kipping HSPU, then held 70# Kettlebells during the rest portion. We don't have any 100# dumbbells.
-The MetCon was not as bad as I was expecting. I finished it in 16:02. Of course, I say that, and you say, "Then why didn't you do it faster?" I went as fast as I could, but my rest periods have gotten less frequent and less lengthy already from this programming. Afterwards I was not as gassed as I thought I would be. I rested about 5 minutes prior to doing the Midline work.
-The Toes to Bar are getting easier for me. I couldn't do them at all a couple weeks ago. Now I'm doing them in sets of 5. Exciting stuff going on!
-This was the first time I have done the reverse hypers. We don't have a machine at the gym for them, so we have to make do with holding onto the GHD rack and using bands for the resistance. I didn't think they were too bad. Everyone else claimed the were excruciating. See you tomorrow.
My results: see sbcrossfit.blogspot.com!
ReplyDeleteSo proud of you!! Keep up the hard work. I love you.
Your blog is well written and much fancier than mine. Thanks for following mine, though! Now get in the kitchen and make me a sweet potato. Kidding.