I slept an hour later today, so I
really don't have time for a long post. I wish I had a witty anecdote
or funny story for you all today. Sorry. I do, however, have an
absolutely demonic workout. It is as follows:
-5x2 Snatch from
blocks @ 85% 1 rep man, rest 60 secs between
This should be a full squat snatch. No power snatch allowed. Blocks
should be just below your knees. You are going to have to be very
fast with your second pull to get these up consistently.
1a) 3xMax Reps Bench Press @ 90% of your 1RM, rest 60 secs
1b) 3x8 Bent Over Dumbbell Rows (8 left, 8 right) @ Heavy as
possible, rest 60 secs
Notes: These should be done, as usual, as a set of 1, rest, a
set of b, rest, repeat
-3 rounds for time of:
5 Snatch Balance @ 135#/95#
20 Wall Ball @ 20#/14#
30 Double Unders
20 Toes to Bar
30 Double Unders
*****MY REULTS*****
Barbell Gymnastics
-I did the workout at 125#. This was sufficiently stressing, with me
missing a few of the pulls. I am just learning the Snatch movement
the correct way and it is coming along very slowly
-I used 165# on the bench. This was less than 90% of my 1RM, which I
believe is about 195# right now. Honestly, I thought I would have
more trouble with it. Apparently this should have been so heavy that
between 3-5 reps was to be expected. I did 10,7,7 for my bench sets.
Should have done more, I guess.
-I used 65# for my dumbbell reps. This was 10# more than I did for
this workout last week. I probably could do 70# to really hit what I
am capable of doing for these pulls. These wore me out, regardless.
I'll probably try 70# next time,
-Wow. This workout nearly killed me. This was the worst MetCon I have
done in a hot minute. It just absolutely wore me out from the start.
I plodded through it and finished with a time of 24:29. And I did the
Snatch Balance at 115 rather than the prescribed 135. I was just too
beat to put up the 135. It was super slow. My wife finished in 11
minutes and some change. This was very slow for her too. Drew, the
guys who owns the gym, who also uses Outlaw finished it in 8:57.
That's blazing fast. Of course, he competed at Regionals and this
workout was in his wheelhouse, but dang! He did the whole workout in
what it too me to do a single round! That's unreal and it ought to
show you how well Crossfit actually works.
Tomorrow is a rest day. Hurray! I'm going to mount my giant swing /
outdoor bed. I'll post some pics of it once it is up. POST YOUR
RESULTS, and see you all Friday!
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